Chemical Energy


Steel Dynamics Inc. Butler Plant to recieve new INTECO PTI lime injection system

In early 2015, Carmeuse, an American quicklime supplier, approached INTECO PTI, asking them to come up with an injection system specifically designed for their client, SDI Butler.

Steel Dynamics, Inc  (SDI), located in Butler, Indiana, is a 3 million ton per year,  flat rolled, hot strip steel mill, with four electric arc furnaces (EAF).  The facility uses over 80,000 tons per year of dolomitic pebble quicklime. The current practice of adding the quicklime to the scrap charge bucket results in quicklime dust lost during bucket charging and to the baghouse.  The dust is lost because the quicklime is degraded to powder in transportation and storage handling systems. This situation not only wastes quicklime, but also causes unsafe housekeeping issues, since exposure to ambient quicklime dust irritates workers' eyes, skin, and respiratory systems.

 INTECO PTI had the right burner and injection design specific for SDI’s needs, increasing not only their efficiency, but also their operators' safety- and therefore was awarded with the contract for the supply of new injection systems for all four EAF furnaces.

 With this new technology, the steelmarkers at SDI can precisely add combustion and fluxing materials to the steelmaking process as it occurs. The INTECO PTI injection method delivers lime material directly into the bath, which dramatically lowers waste that was previously lost to the baghouse system. The INTECO PTI Injection system uses smaller top size quicklime products at 3/8” as opposed to the pebble products used for top charging, which are ¾”. The injection quicklime is delivered in a pneumatic truck, blown into sealed storage bins and transferred to the furnace through an airtight system to avoid losing dust to the working areas of the shop. The final injection into the furnace is so exact that it delivers almost 100% of the quicklime to the steel bath/slag interface, precisely where it is needed.

This project is a wonderful example of a three way partnership and the powerful changes which can be effected when companies cooperate and work to find the best solution for all involved. This is a real life example of a Win, Win, Win.

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Frisa EAF produces first ingot

PTI  congratulates all the hard working employees of Frisa Forjados, located in Monterrey, Mexico, for casting their first ingot with their new INTECO melt shop.

PTI delivered a comlete chemical energy system- MiniJetboxes, Lime injection burners, lime injection system, carbon injection burners, carbon injection system, oxy/fuel valve train, and swingdoor for the Frisa EAF.

Click on the "Read More" button to the right to be redirected to Frisa's LinkedIN page. 

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CMC Arizona receive new Preheater Skids

CMC Arizona received two horizontal ladle preheater skids from INTECO PTI.  The Air/Fuel control skids and new Air/Fuel burners will replace their original oxy/fuel control skids and burners.  The new Air/Fuel burners provide a lower temperature flame, which helps keep NOx formation to a minimum while still allowing the ladles to be pre-heated.  In addition, the lower temperature flame reduces the stress on the refractory and helps increase ladle service life.

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Finkle & Sons Enclosed Ladle Preheater

Lift On Ladle Dryer Lid with Post Combustion

Finkle & Sons, a specialty steel maker located south of Chicago, IL, USA, has purchased the engineering, equipment, and project management from INTECO PTI for the delivery and installation of an enclosed ladle preheater.  The enclosed ladle preheater is designed to capture the VOC gases emitted during the ladle drying process, then burn these gases in order to comply with local environmental regulations.  An existing ladle repair pit will be used as the location for the preheater.  Two thirds of the ladle will sit inside the pit while the rest is exposed above. 

The project  purchased includes the design, engineering, and project management to enclose the exposed sides of the pit and create an upper wall to enclose the exposed ladle that sits above the pit.  INTECO PTI will also deliver a lift on refractory lid that sits atop the ladle enclosure and allows a standard air/fuel burner to preheat and dry the bricks on the inside of the ladle.  The VOC gases escaping outside the ladle and the gases from the air/fuel burner firing inside the ladle are captured and blown into a post combustion chamber.  An oxy-fuel burner in the post combustion chamber fires into the mixture of ladle exhaust and VOC gases, burning all remaining CO and VOC gases while minimizing NOx formation.

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INTECO PTI at Metal Ravne

Metal Ravne (Slovenia, EU) completed an upgrade of the INTECO PTI Swing Door system installed on the EAF last year.  steel plant representatives.

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