Chemical Energy

Huaigang Steel, China

Oxy/Fuel Burner Vavle Stand Replacement

Huaigang Steel, located in Huai'an, China, in the Jiangsu Province, placed an order with INTECO PTI for a complete 3 burner oxy/fuel valve control stand.  Their original valve stand was supplied by PTI in 2002.  The new valve stand will include a new PLC system and operator HMI, along with new copper JetBOxes™ and burners.  The burners are rated at 3000 Nm3/hr supersonic oxygen injection and can deliver 5 MW of chemical energy.  Since the EAF at Huaigang Steel consumes up to 85% Hot Metal, INTECO PTI will also provide process optimization to match the new burner performance to the Hot Metal operation.

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